Transmen and Transwomen: Projected Long-Term Population Trends

Transman Buck Angel

A study done in the late 1990s estimated that between 2-5% of the population is transgender. The 2010 Census counted over 151.7M men and over 156.9M women. The population increased over 9% for both genders from 2000 to 2010.

How many transpeople might be counted in the 2020 census?

First, let’s assume linear progression, in that the U.S. population will continue to increase at the same rate. So we’ll assume that the increase from 2010 to 2020 is the same as 2000 to 2010:

Cis Population 2000-2010

Cis Population 2000-2010

Next, let’s find the number of tradespeople at both the low (2% of the population) and high (5%) of the scale for 2000 and 2010.

Trans Population Range 2000-2010

Trans Population Range 2000-2010

We’ll also assume that the 2%-5% range holds.

Next, let’s find the 2020 overall population for men and women, using the same growth rate as 2000-2010:

Cis Projected Population 2020

Cis Projected Population 2020

And then the same tradespeople ranges:

Trans Projected Population Range 2020

Trans Projected Population Range 2020


As we can see, the trans population will continue to grow, and looks to increase between 3M and 8M within this decade.

Jennifer Lawrence Nude Photo Hack: Is Our Cloud Data Safe?

Jennifer Lawrence Oscars 2013

JLaw is not amused.

Earlier this week, Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence’s private photos were hacked off her iCloud. She wasn’t the only one: Rihanna and Kate Upton were hit as well.

This high-security breach naturally leads us lesser mortals to worry about our own data within the Cloud.

But should we?

Apple feels it wasn’t a security breach, but a specific targeted act. This seems to check out, as we’re only hearing of celebrities being hacked and not Jane from down the street. (Of course, if Jane did get hacked, I’m sure Apple wouldn’t want to risk losing their customer base by publicizing that.)

The iCloud has been up and running for nearly three years, and this is the first security breach we’ve seen so far. So the storage service’s track record has been good up until this point. But it is a large, high-visibility blip on the radar, brought into the spotlight by America’s Sweetheart.

Apple’s track record suggests that this is an embarrassing security anomaly, and hopefully a longer-term trend will bear that out.